General Order
General Order 2025-03
This General Order has been amended effective February 25, 2025. See General Order 2025-03 (Amended Feb. 25, 2025) for additional information.
This General Order establishes revisions to the compensation rates for private appointed conflict public defenders, as set forth in Local Rules of Court, Rule 19.4. These revisions include an amendment to subsection (a) and the addition of a new subsection (d). These changes are introduced to set specific compensation rates for private appointed conflict defenders assigned by the Lassen Superior Court for representation during criminal arraignment calendars.
- Amendment to Subsection (a)
Subsection (a) of Rule 19.4 is amended to read:(a) Fees for Private Appointed Conflict Public Defenders. Private appointed indigent criminal defense and juvenile counsel assigned by the Lassen Superior Court for matters other than criminal arraignments shall be compensated as follows:
[Existing compensation and claim submission guidelines and details to remain unchanged.]
- Addition of Subsection (d):
A new subsection (d) is added to Rule 19.4, which reads:(d) Fees for Private Appointed Conflict Public Defenders in Criminal Arraignments. Private appointed indigent criminal defense counsel assigned by the Lassen Superior Court for representation during the criminal arraignment calendars shall be compensated as follows:
$200 per day
Appointed counsel is expected to arrive at the Lassen County Adult Detention Facility (ADF) prior to the scheduled arraignment calendar with adequate time to meet with all indigent defendants, but no less than 30 minutes before the start of the calendar. If appointed counsel is unable to be physically present at the ADF, remote appearance may be permitted for both pre-arraignment meetings with indigent defendants and during arraignment proceedings, subject to prior approval and coordination with the Court and ADF.
Assigned counsel shall submit a COUNTY fee claim with all required supporting information upon completion of the representation.
All requests for travel reimbursement, including but not limited to travel time and mileage, must be pre-approved in writing by the Presiding Judge. Travel expenses incurred without prior written approval will not be reimbursed under any circumstances
The provisions of this General Order are intended to be incorporated into a future revision of the Superior Court of California, County of Lassen’s Local Rules of Court, effective July 1, 2025. Upon successful implementation into the Local Rules of Court, this General Order shall be deemed automatically revoked and rescinded.
This General Order does not preclude nor restrict the Court from adopting additional future changes to compensation rates or related provisions, whether by subsequent General Order or further amendments to the Local Rules of Court.