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Jury Service



Please remember to bring your summons with you as you will use this to check in at the jury kiosk.

Juror Web Portal

  • Check Your Juror Status, Request a Postponement, Excusal or Disqualification; Verify or Update Your Personal Information

Reporting for Jury Duty

Jury service is one of our most important civic duties. The right to a jury trial is the privilege of every person in the United States and is guaranteed by both the United States and California Constitutions. The Lassen Superior Court thanks each one of you for fulfilling your civic obligations. As a juror, you will have rendered one of the most important functions of citizenship-service as a trial juror.

Failure to Appear for Jury Service

Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 209, any prospective juror who has been summoned for service, and who fails to respond as directed and be excused from attendance, will be issued a Failure to Appear/Respond to a Jury Summons notice to appear in court; may have monetary sanctions imposed on them (up to $1,500); may be found in contempt of court, punishable by fine (up to $1,000), incarceration (5 days), or both.


If you are unable to attend jury duty on the date you have been summoned, you can request a postponement - see the Jury FAQs page for additional information.

What to Expect

Jury trials are held in both Criminal and Civil actions. Jurors' names are obtained from voter registration, DMV records, and the Franchise Tax Board. Service may be required as often as once per year and can be anywhere from a couple hours to the length of an entire trial, starting at 8:00 AM and ending at 5:00 PM.

What to Wear

Business attire is suggested. No bare feet, shorts, tank-tops, shirts with graphics or offensive language are permitted in the courtrooms. Courtrooms can be cold; it is suggested that you wear layers to be comfortable.

Entering a Court Facility

When entering a court facility you will be screened through security. Do not bring knives, scissors, handwork needles, crochet hooks, metal nail files, screwdrivers, tools, wallet chains, handcuff keys, or any item that may be used as a weapon.

Notice: All persons entering court facilities are subject to search. All weapons are prohibited. It is a felony to bring firearms or other unauthorized weapons into court buildings. This includes all knives, tear gases such as pepper spray and mace, taser and stun guns, or deadly weapons pursuant to Penal Code § 171(b). Items considered weapons will be confiscated upon entrance to the Hall of Justice.


Parking is located in front of the Hall of Justice at 2610 Riverside Drive in Susanville.

Have Questions?

  • You can reach the Jury Commissioner's Office at (530) 251-8228, if the call is not answered please leave a brief message with your name, phone number, juror number (found on your summons), and a reason for your call. The Jury Commissioner will return your call as soon as possible.
  • The recorded message with information on the status of the trial in which you have been summoned can be heard by calling (530) 251-8120. This message will be updated by 5:00 PM the evening prior to your service.

The Judicial Council of California, staff of the Lassen Superior Court, and law enforcement will not ask past or prospective jurors for financial information, credit cards, bank account information, or personal information like Social Security numbers in relation to jury service. Do not provide this type of information to anyone claiming to be associated with the courts or related to court jury services.

Click here for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information regarding Jury Service, please review our Jury Services FAQ page.

Jury Service FAQs

Jury Services Videos

The videos below provide additional information on Jury Service in the State of California. See the California Courts' Jury Service Page for additional information and resources.

Justice for All: Orientation to Jury Service features judges, academics, and former jurors explaining what to expect when called to jury service, including the jury selection process, the trial, and jury deliberations.

Answering the Call for Jury Service

A History of Jury Service: A More Perfect Jury, explores the history of jury service from its beginnings in English common law, into the Civil Rights and Women’s Suffrage movements, as well as new changes to California juries created by recent legislation.

Jury Service and Fairness: Understanding the Challenges of Implicit Bias, serves as a guide and a tool for jurors to identify whether they may have preconception that would impact their ability to serve. Originally developed by the Perception Institute and made in collaboration with the New York Unified Court System in 2021, it was adapted in 2023 by the Judicial Council in partnership with the California Judges Association.

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